Keynotes for universities by Pep the Poet

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Keynotes on Fear

Does fear and anxiety hold you back from reaching your full potential? You're not alone. Millions struggle with self-centred fear and crippling anxiety, hindering their ability to connect, take risks, and embrace life's opportunities.

 This keynote will equip you with powerful tools and strategies to overcome these limitations and step into a life of greater confidence, connection, and fulfilment.

  • More than 1 in 7 UK adults say their mental health is poor.

  • More women than men are currently struggling with poor mental health (18.5% of women vs 12.5% of men).

  • Young people, aged 16-24 are the most affected by mental health struggles, with nearly a quarter (23.5%) describing their mental health as either bad or the worst it’s ever been.

  • In the UK in 2024, the term ‘How to reduce stress’ is searched on Google once every 10 minutes, on average.

Shift Your Perspective

We'll explore the root causes of self-centred fear and anxiety, helping you understand how these emotions can actually be a distortion of reality. Learn to reframe negative thoughts and cultivate a growth mindset.

Challenge Limiting Beliefs

Identify the self-limiting beliefs that fuel your anxiety and fear. Discover practical exercises to dismantle these beliefs and replace them with empowering truths about yourself and your capabilities.

Develop Coping Mechanisms

Equip yourself with a toolbox of effective coping mechanisms for managing anxiety in the moment. Learn relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and how to effectively challenge negative thought patterns.


Embrace Vulnerability

Discover the power of vulnerability in fostering genuine connection and reducing self-centred fear. Learn how to connect with others on a deeper level and build stronger relationships.

Take Action Despite Fear

Learn how to move forward even when fear is present. Develop a plan to set and achieve goals, taking calculated risks and embracing discomfort as a catalyst for growth.


Keynotes on Oracy

Are your students struggling to express themselves clearly and confidently?

In today's world, strong communication skills are more important than ever. This keynote will introduce you to the power of oracy, the art of spoken language, and its transformative impact on student learning.

Oracy—the art of effective spoken communication—is crucial in today's classrooms. It fosters clear expression, critical thinking, and collaborative skills essential for academic success and future endeavours.

Research highlights disparities in spoken language development among students from different backgrounds. As educators, integrating oracy into your teaching can bridge these gaps and enhance overall learning outcomes.

Key aspects covered:

  1. Understanding Oracy's Impact: Learn how speaking and listening skills contribute to cognitive development and academic achievement.

  2. Creating a Talk-Friendly Environment: Cultivate a classroom culture that encourages respectful dialogue and active participation.

  3. Effective Discussion Techniques: Master various formats and questioning strategies to stimulate meaningful conversations.

  4. Oracy Across Subjects: Integrate speaking and listening activities into all lessons to enrich learning experiences.

  5. Assessing and Encouraging Progress: Develop methods to assess student oracy skills, provide constructive feedback, and celebrate their growth.

Embrace oracy to empower students to articulate ideas confidently and succeed in diverse academic and professional settings.

Keynotes on Impostor Syndrome

Imposter syndrome silently affects many student teachers, hindering their journey towards becoming educators. Addressing this issue is crucial for creating supportive environments where they can thrive.

Explore imposter syndrome's impact on student teachers and learn practical strategies to empower them and enhance their classroom effectiveness.

  • Recognising signs of imposter syndrome in student teachers.

  • Understanding its impact on professional growth.

  • Building resilience and boosting confidence.

  • Strategies for universities to foster supportive environments.

Essential for educators and administrators shaping the future of education, this keynote equips attendees to support student teachers effectively.

Pep the Poet an experienced educator and mental health advocate in academia, brings practical insights to empower educators and students.