“To blog or not to blag…’

“To blog or not to blag that is the question - Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer … (you know the rest.) 

I’ve heard from many a wise friend or budding social media guru that blogging is a real beneficial tool for getting your message across to a wider audience, it is ideal for a multitude of reasons. 

I have always been impressed by the way people nonchalantly wave their hands, so carefree and confident, “Have you read my blog darling?”  Or, “You should read his blog it’s awesome.”   So, here is the question: I know that blogs are ‘awesome’ and ‘informative’ and well worth your time and effort writing them.  But how the Dickens do you go about starting to write one?

I had planned to write my first blog with a clever, eye-catching title.  Something like: The Art of Procrastination or The Best Day to Write a Blog is Tomorrow or finally, How to Write a Blog in Just Under Ten Years.  I’ve researched the living daylights out of the blessed thing.  In fact all my search engines are in the Loco Shed as their boilers have all blown.

My search titles have included:

  • How to write a bog

  • How to write an inspiring blog

  • Writing blogs for beginners

  • What are the best tips for writing a blog?

  • Are blogs worth your time and effort?

  • What is a blog?

I think that I’ll refer to the advice I received from my English tutor in 1997 - when as a thirty four year old mature student, on an Access course to Higher Education.  I was telling my tutor Pat that I was staring at the blank paper and I couldn't seem to think of anything. 

My mind had slipped into complete meltdown.  Pat said,  “Write anything on the paper, even if it’s just ‘Three Blind Mice’ at least you will have written something.”

I hope that you are sitting comfortably.  In a land far far away there was a farmer’s wife with a rather bad rodent problem.  Luckily for her, she was the proud owner of a very large knife.

(That’s amazing, I feel better already – I will give it a go …)

My name is David Anderson and I go by the alias of Pep the Poet, a Poet and Well-being Champion.  I design, write and deliver bespoke poetry, wellbeing and positive mental health workshops for both children and adults.

I have self published a collection of poetry books for children and they are available via my website: www.pepthepoet.co.uk/books

1. Peter Pants and His Collection of Silly Poems

2. Quentin the Squirrel and His Collection of Silly Poems

3. The Funky Peacock and His Collection of Silly Poems

I take my poetry into schools and demonstrate to young learners the influence of poetry and how carefully selected words, manipulated in a certain way, can have the power to make the reader laugh or cry. 

I have a wide repertoire of poems.  Some are very silly and can have the audience in fits of laughter.  Others are a little more serious and address issues of bullying, positive self-image, recognising negative self-talk and self-centred fear. 

In subsequent blogs I will discuss at length my own personal battles with my inner demon that held me to ransom for over five decades.

So, there we have it, my first blog.  I am not expecting a Nobel Prize for Literature, or even a mention in the Queen’s New Year’s Honour’s List.   However, I am feeling a little proud of myself.  So upwards and onwards, here’s to many a blog to follow.

Remember always – ‘Just be brilliant.’